
Friday, 16 March 2012

Pengeluaran KWSP

Sungguhpun simpanan KWSP anda merupakan simpanan untuk persaraan anda, ini tidak bermakna anda tidak dibenarkan untuk mengeluarkan simpanan tersebut sebelum anda bersara. KWSP menyediakan pelbagai kaedah pengeluaran untuk ahli-ahlinya. Pengeluaran-pengeluaran ini terdiri daripada :-

Pengeluaran Sebelum Persaraan
Membenarkan ahli-ahli mengeluarkan sebahagian daripada simpanan mereka sebelum mereka mencapai umur persaraan. Tujuannya ialah untuk membantu ahli-ahli membuat persediaan untuk persaraan mereka nanti.
Pengeluaran ini melibatkan Akaun 2.
(cth. pengeluaran untuk beli rumah, untuk pendidikan, kesihatan)
Pengeluaran Persaraan
Membenarkan ahli-ahli mengeluarkan simpanan setelah mereka mencapai umur persaraan. Selain daripada skim-skim pengeluaran tersebut, ahli-ahli KWSP juga boleh mengambil bahagian di dalam Pengeluaran Pelaburan.
Pengeluaran ini melibatkan Akaun 1.

..sila ke laman web KWSP untuk kepastian..

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

2 Recruit + 2 Passport

2 recruit
Successfully registered my 2 downlines today..alhamdulillah. Wish both of them pass the exam on april 7. Good luck Fazila & Fairus !! Sempat uol nak study, practice buat sample question ye. Masa time i ambil exam dulu under FMUTM way back in 2003, still guna kertas objektif borang OMR guna pensel 2B . Result pun take sometimes..tak macam sekarang computerised and result pun on the spot boleh tau ye...well surela mengikut peredaran zaman. When i decided to join back this biz last year with PM, luckily i just need to renew my license and no need to re-sit for exam...but i still went to CUTE class to refresh my knowledge. Seems like everything went well...and i feel so welcome dapat upline yg bagus pulak tu .. syukur :) 

Selesai hal register downline, head up to Imigresen Kajang. Urusan passport anak2 pulak. Went there with hubby, again lucky that we have baby so kami dpt privillege guna kaunter khas consider 'express counter' la jugak. Kaunter khas ni utk kids 2yrs below. My zahra dah 4yrs tapi officer kata nanti kakak punya buat skali dgn adik ye. Eventho they gave angka giliran asing2.

Dari urusan register ke bayaran sekejap je..rm 150 each utk 5thn..nak tunggu passport siap kena tunggu sejam selepas bayar...hmm apa lagi merondalah di hentian kajang tu adalah aktiviti. I stop at 1 kedai untuk buat biz card for me & hubby..oklah sejam boleh siap...

complete cuti hari ini .. selesai urusan 2 recruit & 2 passport :))

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

ASB Islamic ???

For those yg stil believe asb islamic,ni ditampal dipintu maybank!
..taken by my AM at one of Maybank Branch...

plus another proof to share klik here

Just a Part Timer

after few months in this business..

yes saya sudah jatuh cinta..tapi separuh masa..jadi apa yg dapat pun separuh jelaa kan dari yg sepenuh masa...well tak semestinya derrr...yg penting kualiti..usaha tanpa jemu, tawakal pada Allah, nawaitu kena betul..

this is absolutely worth it!!!!..if...if...if...i could turn back time

well to all der..der..di luar sana yang mencari jalan keluar dari senario...gaji baru masuk dah habis byr hutang, belum sampai tgh bulan dah garu kepala, ikat perut makan maggi, overhead lebih tinggi dari income...hmm..anda adalah kategori ini bak kata Dr. Azizan Osman 'sindrom kebocoran wang' ..

no offense ye..i was there..

..pernahla jugak join MLM spent thousands of RM..pergh dgn harapan boleh kaya laa kan..bila dibuktikan konon kitala batch pioneer, market venture on and on...mak terpengaruhlaa jugak...akhirnya putih mata duit pun lebuh gitu aje..sesal kemudian tidak berguna..;'((

so now i'm on the right path...hajat nak ada extra income tercapai syukur alhamdulillah..secara part time dan kecil-kecilan ni lepasla bayar deposit rumah, vacation ngan anak2 n hubby..nak shopping pun xkira minggu, duk tambah beli gadget untuk wat sales ni...Aaa...Asus...i like!!

serius this is not so tough..i believe what u have in mind of most people yang takut2 nak jadi agent is 'kena cari orang'   ... oh come on..jgn sempitkan fikiran..ada caranya..seiring peredaran zaman byk cara kita boleh approach either secara direct or indirect..insyaAllah tu semua boleh develop..i pun pemalu jugak tau...hahaha

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Lagi 8 tahun Nak RM200,000

Si A  bertanya pada saya dalam masa 8 tahun lagi dia nak ada simpanan sebanyak rm 200k. Sekarang, dia ingin buat lump sum invest of rm 15k dan nak tau brape dia kena invest lagi secara monthly. 

ok..macam ni; 

1) Anggarkan rate of return 10% , boleh choose less or more than that.
2) Kira yg lump sum investment dulu;
- refer column 10%, row 8thn  (purple table)
= 21,436
- so kalo invest 15k 
= (15000/10,000) x  21,436  
= rm 32,154

Target si A adalah rm 200,000..oleh kerana lump sum investment tak mencapai target yg diinginkan jadi, additional investment yg A perlu buat monthly adalah;

3) Balance yg perlu Si A buat secara monthly, 
rm200,000 - rm 32154 
= rm 167,846

 refer column 10%, row 8thn  (green table)
= 14,740
-  so monthly investment adalah; 
= (167,846/14,740) x 100
= 1,138.72

So, inilah anggaran amount yg Si A dapat dari lump sum invest dan juga monthly investment amount yg perlu dibuat untuk mencapai target simpanan rm200k dalam masa 8 tahun. 

Syabas A !! ini just anggaran based on return rate of could be more than that :)

Apa target uolss ???

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Rezeki Datang Ke Rumah


Semalam prospek dtg ke rumah, dengan excited nya nak masuk skim EPF Acc 1 investment. Alhamdulillah. Kawan lama kami, katanya pernah di approach sebelum ni oleh org lain tapi belum sampai seru lagi masa tu. Bila myhubby cerita sikit terus aje dia setuju. 

Tulah asam garam dunia, kadang2 yg kita rasa senang nak diajak, susah pulak nak masuk. Yang kita rasa susah nak di convince kan..senang2 je dia kata YES..apa pun syabas kepada yg punya hasrat untuk menabung, menyimpan utk masa depan.

Siap suruh I buat calculation untuk simpanan bulanan rm500 selama 10 thn :).. see below

Expected return if :
A monthly investment of rm500 at the beginning of each month, with interest compounded monthly, accumulates the amount indicated for 10 years

8 %    = 18,417 x 5  = rm 92,085

10 %  = 20,655 x 5 = rm 103,275

12 %  = 23,234 x 5 = rm 116,170

15 %  = 27,866 x 5 = rm 139,330

20 % = 38,236 x 5 = rm 191,180

#this is just rough estimation- anggaran, if you all ada PM Pocket calculator boleh refer pada monthly investment table (color hijau).

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Pocket Calculator Training

Ni pertama kali I stepped in kat public mutual training centre jln sultan sulaiman. Arrived a little late due to traffic + hujan pulak, masuk je diorang dh stat kire2. Nak kata this training only for newbie tak juga, as I saw few familiar face of seniors..katanya nak ajar dlines after training nti..hehe

Objektif training ni adalah untuk 
* Fungsi Pocket Calculator
* Memahami Time Value of Money
* Mengira FUTURE & PRESENT Value
* Menggunakan Pocket Calculator Dalam Proses Perancangan Pelaburan Unit Amanah

Overall, I wud say training ni sgt bagus and it shud be a must attend class to all utc. If u get a chance to go..go lah..sgt worth it for rm10 mr.trainer (fazly) sangatla pak lawak dgn loghat utara dia..kering tekak chek..hang buat aku gelak ja :D. Training was fun, I xmengantuk langsung..(tak boleh lupa game superhero..batman,superman,ultraman..etc, yg dtg je phm ni..hihi) 

Now I'm more confident cuz I dah tau camne nak kire the right way manually, xde software pun xpe dah.."̮Æ—Æ—Ä‚Æ—Æ—Ä‚Æ—Æ—Ä‚Æ—Æ—Ä‚Æ—Æ—Ä‚Æ—Æ—Ä‚"̮

Abis class pkl 1 lebih kemudian duk pi pekena nasi kandaq kg.attap..marvellous!

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Minggu Pendek Yg Awesome !!

nice and calm saturday morning,wish to bangun lambat tapi mata ni dah set..golek kiri golek kanan pun still xbleh nak tido balik. Kalo hari bekerja xpulak mcm ni..rasa nak pejam je..mesti some of u experienced d same kan..hÆ—Æ—Ä‚hÆ—Æ—Ä‚hÆ—Æ—Ä‚hÆ—Æ—Ä‚hÆ—Æ—Ä‚hÆ—Æ—Ä‚"

Well, I would like to wrap up my activity this short week..3 working days, with a hectic daily work routine + extra 2hr mandatory OT (wed-fri) in order to cover up the CNY leave. My daily is about reaching targets, gila kan..desk job target dia 10 quotations while my part time target at least 1sale/day..

alhamdulillah this short week I managed to closed another 5digit epf investment.. Some is easy, some is need short presentation, and some need me go to their house..challenging but still worthy effort, menambahkan pengalaman, good one..and best of all I managed to close it all by myself..wuhuu

The recipe, I just believe I can do Absolutely I can la..

I'm proud of myself cayalah zila! :)

"Jika kau fikirkan kau boleh,kau pasti boleh melakukan..jika kau fikirkan ragu2 usahamu tidak menentu"..sound cliche yet so true kan this song...

Untuk kita yg memilih kerjaya ini either for full/part time..we must be extra strong mentally..keep urself close to positivity..I like this career..cuz it bring me closer to Allah in everystep I take. Berdoa, bersyukur this is all power of gratitude. Ingat Allah pasti Allah ingat pada kita.. Thank you Allah!

Last but not least..When there's a will..there's a way..

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

1st hit 5 digit Sales

18 Jan - Alhamdulillah syukur, xdirancang menjadi. Hari ni sebenarnya aku ada checkup dgn Dr. Ruzaina jam 2-4pm. So cuti memang dah approve, since appointment pun lambat lagi, pagi tu aku ke opis sis upline (K.ina), cadangnya nak belajar skill2 cold call, and to copy her sales kit. K.ina ada pesan kt aku masa mula2 aku join lagi..she said 'org baru' copy je cara senior or upline u buat..once u dah terel, sukahati la u nak buat mcm mana..baguskan rasa..

aku mmg rasa bertuah sgt dapat jd dline dia...thank u Allah, kau temukan aku dgn k.ina yg xlokek nak share experience dia..she mmg sound direct, each and everytime jupe or on d phone sure pressure aku utk resign..hahaha..i will k.ina..once i hit my 6 digit sales ye! 

so from her office we went out met her client at Ampang Point..yeah perangai manusia ni macam2..i take it as a lesson. while she attended her client, aku ber-sms dgn ex-boss..pergh jenuh ngayat..sampaila aku terkeluar ayat 'ala..jomla jupe kejap kebetulan saya cuti ni'...jengjengjeng..dia terus jawab 'oklah nak jupe kt mana'...see mmg kena belajar jadi persuasive dlm biz ni..again 'use your strength'.. appointment set at 430pm.

danlaa aku ikut k.ina tgk corporate presentation, unfortunately appointment cancel last the she decided to drop by kat bangsar pm ofis utk submit sales..1st time aku  jejak kaki kt situ..sempatla kenal dgn sorg career manager he is so friendly siap wish me good luck & suruh aku buat betul2 in this biz..he's so sweet..

back at ampang, pekena lunch n.briyani pelita (11hengget) at 3pm..masa tu mmg mata asyik tgk jam je, sempat ke aku nak rush balik kajang utk checkup appoinment. nak skip lunch mmg xbleh skip dah..lapar to d max..315 aku gerak..hari pulak tetiba kpmc 2nd time call baru angkat..kata clinic dah closed, dr.amik patience sampai 330..hai dlm kad tulis 2-4pm..kesimpulannya kenala adjust another appoinment which on 1 feb..cunla tu kebetulan aku mmg cuti hari wilayah..dingdong2..jam pun dah 4 lebih..aku takut terlambat aku delay apmt ngan ex-bos to 5pm..aku tau dia jenis yg punctual..dahla nak persuade dia dtg tu susah..xnakla spoil pulak kan.

with the girl power me& k.ina..he agreed to join..jam2 tu jugak bg unbelievable tau..nicela pulak ex-boss aku ni..he thot the whole sum of epf acc 1 to be invested..bila i show him the calculation..'oh byk ni je ke..oh bolehla tu'...hahaha..initially he said dia nak dtg dgr and after cny bagi decision..aleh2 immediate decision..thanks bos for your support..u're my 1st 5digit sales...wohooo...nti i bg u tshirt pm yer..hahaha..

Next..6 digit pls..come to me...hayya..hayya...

p/s: plan to buy some premium item as gift to my client as token of this biz, relationship dgn client kena jaga otherwise senang org lain cantas..oh tidak!!!

Monday, 23 January 2012

Goal Setting 2012

14 Jan..sessi goal setting utk team Caliph, HC, IWGoC, JUST..masing2 carry their own Vision Board termasuklah aku..if you all can see my blog header pic is actually my VB. This is 1st time i did my took me about 8 hrs to complete..not simply taram ok..i did it full heartedly and they are my real vision for this year.

this session was fun, but I would say SKPD Dr. Azizan Osman was more powerful, from start till end the impact was superb, i hope my seniors can create more lively, energetic next session. this is opportunity for me to kenal2 my seniors, eventho we're belongs to diff group. ada session motivation, goal setting & incentive reward for this year, recognition to achievers, testimonial or true story of achievers both full & part time and last VB presentation.

my VB terpilih among 10..then i have to present it infront of others...ya rabbi malu ya amat, suara pun ketaq..i wud say my presentation was bad so i didnt get the strong markah there..hello i'm newbie ok..nx year sure i btul aku ni.

wrap up...adalah sessi akujanji siapa yg dari part time nak commit fulltime..and i one of 'em..i thot habis kat situ je rupanya abg arif (caliph) siap publish kat website dia..hahaha..

---------------------------------- from
A few participant, our group of unit trust consultants in Caliph-HC-JUST-IW GoC, 
ada yang azam nak resign tahun ni dan buat unit trust fulltime!

* Hisyam
* Juzana
* Azi
* Shahrul
* Zila  <-- :)
* Mila
* Iza

Salut! untuk you all yang azam nak resign tu, remember 'our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising up every time we fall'. Desire + Decision + Determination equals to Success!

mesti kena tuntut lepas ni..

Why Public Mutual (PM)?

= No. 1
why choose others while you can be with no.1..wah...but yet so true..if you all google mostly all the answer on +ve side..

sayang juga aku dah expose dalam unit trust ni way back in 2003 masa tu pun FIMM is still FMUTM..dah pass exam pun cuma aku xserius, aku bermula sebagai pelabur Tabung Ittikal Am Invest (TIAM) kemudian aku diapproach untuk jadi perunding unit amanah. Waktu tu agak susah, aku yang baru lepas grad..fixed income xde, kenderaan nak bergerak sana sini pun xde, contact pun among kawan2 sekolah..all sorts of excuses so pause di situ..

hati dah terpanggil lama..baru skrg dapat seru. Antara faktor penggerak utama adalah anak2. Sampai bila aku nak spend almost 12 jam di luar rumah bekerja, keluar selepas subuh balik pula matahari dah terbenam..sedangkan anak2 adalah amanah Allah yang patut aku berikan didikan dan kasih in kota metropolitan Kuala Lumpur jika nak mengharapkan pendapatan suami semata2..memang kesianlah kat abang..tambahan pula dah  ada seorang lagi family members. So dengan kelebihan yang ada baiknya aku kembali ke dunia pelaburan, yang sebelum ini memang menjadi this is it..

Apa yang menguatkan lagi keinginan aku utk join PM adalah bila mak saudara aku sudah pun sukses dan dia skrg berada di pangkat yang teratas iaitu Group Agency Manager  (padan muka aku menyesal tak follow) patutlah nampak dia senang and happy je..tapi penglibatan aku adalah di luar pengetahuannya aku menjadikan dia sebagai sumber inspirasi insyaAllah bila dah bersedia aku akan maklumkan padanya dan menjadi sumber rujukan dan tips pulak..rasa mcm dah ketinggalan jauh kalau dari dulu lagi aku join dia..aku xperlu menulis apa yg dituliskan di sini..hahaha..bak kata pepatah ''''better late than never''''......

Saturday, 21 January 2012

My biography

i'm the only daughter in d family..abah komando pencen while mak fulltime housewife..ada 3 org abang dan seorang adik. my 2nd brother dah passed away in 2009..hmm sad, i was close to him..i miss him a very sure he'll be proud of what i am right now and if dia ada lagi  mesti he is one of my regular investor..sob..sob :'(

i hv a degree in buss admin (transportation), actually masa sekolah dulu nak jadi accountant, so dah berhajat nak further study in accountancy, but when discuss with family my bro advised me to take bba(t) course, sebabnya in 4 years i dah dapat degree..cepat katanya..then i follow..(realised that was my mistake, cuz i let other ppl to make decision for my future)

finished study, i pun sibuk cari kerja..with the mission to cepat2 cari duit be independant, so by convocation i've already hv my own other way actually kita bangga tau sbb dah abis study terus dapat kerja. i joined local construction engineering company quite establish as management trainee. Kerja kt situ lama jugak about 7 years (realised that i was wasting my time)  and dapat offer in july 2010 work in IT company (soon to resign) offer good benefit & salary but the job so monotonous, so robot, which no fun to an active & multitask person like me.

August 2011..lepas pantang, join Public Mutual (soon to full time) so flexible and unlimited income, i wish that i dont hv any bank commitment so i can resign and do it full time unfortunately im not able to now but i'm sure soon InsyaAllah...

LOVE life..see my collage above..yes they are my love life..i'm married in 2008 to my cinta hati. We all cinta2 since secondary school tau (kiddos dont follow mama & abah k), mother to beautiful safiyya and handsome imran..mereka adalah inspirasi kejayaanku...

AKU KAYA & BERJAYA!! dunia akhirat....

Do it Seriously!


yeah finally, after considering what my sis upline told me..over and over again.."focus on ur strength zila not ur weakness"..inilah hasilnya. My dear blog which i fully dedicate to ramble all related to my striving and struggling journey as a Public Mutual Unit Trust Consultant. Struggle sounds like so tough huh..not really but it is true "NO pain NO gain" darling!..I'm an IT savvy person..create a blog is kacang for this is another way for me to silently share with you all out there, about Unit Trust Investment and the career as Unit Trust real true story.. I do welcome all good encouragement, success tips or any positive comment from readers..thank you in journey begin...