
Tuesday, 24 January 2012

1st hit 5 digit Sales

18 Jan - Alhamdulillah syukur, xdirancang menjadi. Hari ni sebenarnya aku ada checkup dgn Dr. Ruzaina jam 2-4pm. So cuti memang dah approve, since appointment pun lambat lagi, pagi tu aku ke opis sis upline (K.ina), cadangnya nak belajar skill2 cold call, and to copy her sales kit. K.ina ada pesan kt aku masa mula2 aku join lagi..she said 'org baru' copy je cara senior or upline u buat..once u dah terel, sukahati la u nak buat mcm mana..baguskan rasa..

aku mmg rasa bertuah sgt dapat jd dline dia...thank u Allah, kau temukan aku dgn k.ina yg xlokek nak share experience dia..she mmg sound direct, each and everytime jupe or on d phone sure pressure aku utk resign..hahaha..i will k.ina..once i hit my 6 digit sales ye! 

so from her office we went out met her client at Ampang Point..yeah perangai manusia ni macam2..i take it as a lesson. while she attended her client, aku ber-sms dgn ex-boss..pergh jenuh ngayat..sampaila aku terkeluar ayat 'ala..jomla jupe kejap kebetulan saya cuti ni'...jengjengjeng..dia terus jawab 'oklah nak jupe kt mana'...see mmg kena belajar jadi persuasive dlm biz ni..again 'use your strength'.. appointment set at 430pm.

danlaa aku ikut k.ina tgk corporate presentation, unfortunately appointment cancel last the she decided to drop by kat bangsar pm ofis utk submit sales..1st time aku  jejak kaki kt situ..sempatla kenal dgn sorg career manager he is so friendly siap wish me good luck & suruh aku buat betul2 in this biz..he's so sweet..

back at ampang, pekena lunch n.briyani pelita (11hengget) at 3pm..masa tu mmg mata asyik tgk jam je, sempat ke aku nak rush balik kajang utk checkup appoinment. nak skip lunch mmg xbleh skip dah..lapar to d max..315 aku gerak..hari pulak tetiba kpmc 2nd time call baru angkat..kata clinic dah closed, dr.amik patience sampai 330..hai dlm kad tulis 2-4pm..kesimpulannya kenala adjust another appoinment which on 1 feb..cunla tu kebetulan aku mmg cuti hari wilayah..dingdong2..jam pun dah 4 lebih..aku takut terlambat aku delay apmt ngan ex-bos to 5pm..aku tau dia jenis yg punctual..dahla nak persuade dia dtg tu susah..xnakla spoil pulak kan.

with the girl power me& k.ina..he agreed to join..jam2 tu jugak bg unbelievable tau..nicela pulak ex-boss aku ni..he thot the whole sum of epf acc 1 to be invested..bila i show him the calculation..'oh byk ni je ke..oh bolehla tu'...hahaha..initially he said dia nak dtg dgr and after cny bagi decision..aleh2 immediate decision..thanks bos for your support..u're my 1st 5digit sales...wohooo...nti i bg u tshirt pm yer..hahaha..

Next..6 digit pls..come to me...hayya..hayya...

p/s: plan to buy some premium item as gift to my client as token of this biz, relationship dgn client kena jaga otherwise senang org lain cantas..oh tidak!!!

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